Businesses of New Development
Business Innovation Plan
New Development Business
Based upon the know-how and trust cultivated over many years of business experience, Seiho has been focusing upon proposal-based business, in which Seiho intervenes between multiple manufacturers to connect technologies and develop new commercial products and technologies.
In doing so, Seiho has contributed to the new business development of our business partners by adding new performance and overcoming problems with existing products. In recognition of these efforts, Seiho has been acknowledged as a “Business Innovation Plan Approved Enterprise” by the Osaka Prefectural Government. As an acknoledged company, Seiho will continue to contribute to people's daily lives and industry with our “materials” and “technologies” for the further development of society and achieve grawth.
What is Business Innovation Plan?
Based upon the Act for Facilitating New Business Activities of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, this system is designed to support “new business activities” (development or production of new products, provision of new services, etc.) undertaken by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), by having the administrative agency examine plans developed by the business and approve them as innovative, superior to other companies in the same industry, and feasible. In 2016, Seiho was the first enterprise to be acknowledged as an enterprise with an approved business innovation plan.
Then, in recognition of the steady implementation of this plan and achievement of the goals, Seiho was again certified as an Achieving Enterprise as a “Certificate of Excellent Business Innovation Enterprise.
In January 2022, Seiho was acknowledged for the second time as an organization with an approved business innovation plan, and is now moving on to new challenges.
Year of 2016
Providing new commercial items
and constructing new business by applying cutting-edge technology
Through collaboration and joint development with the business partners, Seiho will launch new businesses by commercializing new materials, launching products with unprecedented performance, and independently developing products with superior work performance compared to existing products and working to improve efficiency.
The approval of Business Innovation Plan enables Seiho to apply for public support measures, and Seiho has been working to provide more innovative products and services by determining the future through the formulation of the plan.
*Since Seiho has achieved the above plan, it has been acknowledged as an “Achieving Enterprise”.

Promotion of business development based upon providing optimal solutions by strengthening customer proposal and development capabilities.
This plan will develop materials with specific properties and add high functionality to materials, contributing to competitiveness and stable procurement of raw materials.Seiho will strengthen its relationship with suppliers and clients conducting joint development through close research and development and exchange of opinions.
Within the organization, Seiho will strengthen its development and sales capabilities as a joint project between dedicated employees and the technical division. In addition, Seiho will enhance the expertise of young employees by having them involved in the planning process, in order to train them to become specialists.